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Detective agency in Yubileiny

A distinctive feature of our detective agency in the city of Yubileiny, Luhansk region, is that we have all the necessary resources to provide assistance not only directly on the territory of this settlement, but also outside Ukraine. Each employee of our agency not only once worked in law enforcement, but also is a member of the International Police Association. Therefore, it is quite obvious that we do not lack clients, but at the same time we are always ready to provide assistance to everyone who needs it, even if it does not directly concern private investigation, but we have the resources to help people.

Operational search for people

If in your family there was such a misfortune as the disappearance of a loved one, then here you need to act as quickly as possible, without wasting precious minutes on experiences. Of course, first of all, you will need to write a statement to the law enforcement agencies so that the search for the relatives of the missing can be started. But there is a very high probability that there you will be asked to wait two or three days in order to make sure that the person is really missing. And we will begin an immediate search for such people. Among other things, we help in solving more banal tasks, such as those related to finding this or that person by last name or by phone number, if we are talking about restoring relations with an old friend.

Why do you need a polygraph?

At the moment there is a stereotype that a polygraph test is carried out only in relation to criminals in order to find out whether they really committed a particular crime. But in fact, we today are actively using this tool by many companies even at the interview stage in order to prevent spies from entering the organization. Including working closely with many corporate clients, we help to ensure the complete security of the company at the information level, periodically conducting inspections of premises to identify eavesdropping devices. After all, in order to detect wiretapping of mobile phones it is necessary to use only the best equipment.

Also, the best equipment should be used when conducting photo surveillance, to get the best quality pictures and recordings when it comes to restoring people's reputation. They often turn to us for a service in order to carry out the identification of adultery, if they begin to suspect their other halves of infidelity. It is much better to trust this question to the detectives, since we guarantee not only that you will receive reliable information and all the answers to your questions, but also that all information will be strictly confidential. And the most important thing is that even your significant other will not guess your appeal to us and the mistrust shown on your part.

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